Find out your true age in 1 minute!
Your body's age: secret from Heart Wizard Questions or Comments?
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Biological Age test will help you to set and pursue your individual goals to improve your health, feel younger, live longer! Heart Wizard's module Biological Age Test gives you an accurate evaluation of your body's real age in just a 1 minute, while several continuous tests give you the direction of your ageing tendency, as well as the momentum or speed of that trend.

If you want to become younger and live longer, the Heart Wizard is a "must have" tool which can quickly evaluate the biological age and help to choose the best anti-ageing technique that works for you! Anti-ageing medicine have so many methods and advices how to become younger, so it is important to know how well they work on your body.
Doing the test in Heart Wizard

Prepare for the test. Heart Wizard provides simple-to-follow instructions to get started including visuals. Plug-in the Heart Wizard’s USB pulse wave sensor, attach the ear-clip to your earlobe or a finger, sit down, relax and be ready to know your body's true age in just 1 minute.

Plug-in the Pulse Wave Sensor into USB
port of your PC:

Plugin the pulse sensor into USB port to get prepared for the biological age test

and secure ear clip on your earlobe or a finger:

Getting ready for the Biological Age test: pulse wave earclip attachment
Once you’re ready click the “Start” button for recording. The device will be turned into recording state to monitor and transmit the data to your computer. The Biological Age Test has begun.

You will be asked to do 6 deep breaths in one minute following the on-screen pacer and Heart Wizard will analyze your body’s reaction on that.

pulse wave sensor used for collecting data

Biological Age Test report
The Heart Wizard's report

After you’re done Heart Wizard compares your results with results from a vast database of healthy individuals of your age group and generates the report. Our experts and anti-ageing medicine did a great job calculating all necessary information to help you see how ageing process as well as health improvement procedures like vitamins, antioxidants, rejuvenation procedures, other exercises affects your body.
Here are the parameters displayed on the report.

Current Biological Age. This parameter shows you the real age of your body. If you are taking a good care of yourself don't be surprised to get an encouraging result showing that you are actually 5 years younger than your passport tells you. But what if your this parameter is several years more than your Calendar Age? First of all don't get upset and try our recommendation how to improve real age and remember: you've got an amazing tool to evaluate the effectiveness of whatever you're doing to lower your real age! This tool is Heart Wizard.

Current Calendar Age. This parameter reflects your current calendar age at the date the test was performed.
Biological Age report

Average Biological Age. If you've done a good number of tests and trying out different anti-ageing methodic this parameter is very informative for you! It shows your average age in the last 12 months.

Ageing Speed. Do you want to know how fast you're ageing? How old biologically you're going to be in 12 calendar months? This parameter shows how many years you'll become older on in 1 calendar year with the existing progress you are making, positive or negative. For example, the value "-2" means that if you do not change your lifestyle and/or anti-ageing procedures you're taking, in 12 calendar months your biological age will be 2 years less than it is now!

Tendency. This parameter shows the general ageing direction and speed. This is a is very important sensitive parameter which is recommended to track on a regular basis to reveal sudden "jumps" in your true age (accelerated ageing) which might be an indicator of coming sickness. In that cases it is recommended to visit a doctor.

Read our recommendations how to improve Biological Age, use Heart Wizard to verify the effectiveness of each methodic to choose the optimal one that works better for you. And remember: you are in charge of how well you take care of your body, and the Heart Wizard can help you to feel younger and live longer!