Stress, Stressors, and Stress Sweeper
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This test will help you to set and pursue your individual goals to improve your health and stay fit

Why am I so tired all the time?
Why can't I remember things anymore?
What's this pain in my stomach?
How can I get rid of all this stress in my life?
Wouldn't I just be better off without it?

These are questions that we hear everyday. People just like you and I are coming to the inescapable conclusion that "life is hard" and life's circumstances present an endless opportunity to be hammered by the side-effects of stress.

Health Wizard Services:

Bio Age Test

Based on analysis of published materials as well as AWS own research data our scientists created a unique algorithm of evaluation of real biological age and proved its validity.

Fitness Test

This test will help you to set and pursue your individual goals to improve your health and stay fit. Personal fitness is very important part of your life, so achieving and maintaining certain fitness level is a key part of your productive and happy life.

Health Snapshot

Health Wizard's Health Snapshot can give you a quick and easy-to-understand insight in your body’s current state of balance and its ability to quickly override negative impact of daily stress factors.

Stress Sweeper Test

Health Wizard's Stress Sweeper gives you a powerful and scientifically valid breathing training tool to reduce your stress and improve your health and vitality when used regularly.


It's no secret that stress is epidemic. Did you know that up to 90% of all visits to primary healthcare professionals are a result of the effects of stress? That's right. More people are seeking the help of physicians for relief from stress-related illness than ever before.

Even worse is that stressed-out people lead to stressed-out companies. Workman's comp claims for stress linked disorders are at an all-time high with no apparent end to the upward trend.

The stress response is extremely complex but for the sake of simplicity let's say that stress is the mind/body response to challenges, both real and imagined. The cause of these stress-related problems is simply the inability of your "Stress Control Center" (the Autonomic Nervous System) to adequately recover from stress.

Actually, not all stress is a bad thing. We need some stress in our lives to make things happen, motivate us toward goals, and to protect us from danger. Sometimes stress can promote curiosity, creativity, and be challenging, stimulating and rewarding. All good things, but...

It's the sheer number of challenges, and your nervous system's inability to recover between them that can lead to serious health problems, both mental and physical. The bottom line is that no one is free from stress and your ability to recover from and resist the impact of stress is what dictates how much stress you can handle. It's the single most important variable in your quest for good health!
Click Here to Learn About The Deadly Side of Stress

Enter the Stress Sweeper

The inability to recover from the effects of stress plays a major role in the quality of your overall health. Of course your diet, exercise and mental health are all key ingredients but unless you actually strengthen your response to the endless impact of today's stressors, the result will be a continuous decline in your ability to lead a healthy life.

One thing is clear, in order for you to make appreciable gains in the other facets of the AWS Program, you've got to handle the stress! That's why we created Health Wizard's amazing Stress Sweeper module.

Stress Sweeper is the most powerful stress-buster in use today!

Just one 10 minutes session
with Stress Sweeper a day!

Using the latest in Heart Rate research and medical technology, AWS scientists have developed a simple-to-use method of breath training that reduces your level of stress and builds strong resistance to the impact of stress in
as little as 10 minutes a day.

Best of all, you'll actually see those changes as they occur. And, like all the Health Wizard modules, after you finish each session, your personalized results automatically appear in an intuitive report.

Stress Sweeper also helps you interpret your results, explaining what they reveal about your current physiological state and offers suggestions to help you lower your exposure to stress*.

You can store these results so that you can retrieve them in the future or, for a quick overview, you may also view your results in easy-to read history graphs. Easily track changes in your health and, as you adjust your lifestyle, you will see the effects these changes are having over time.

Use Stress Sweeper daily to monitor your stress levels and to alleviate symptoms and effects of stress and keep your autonomic system in balance. As you maintain this balance, you'll find your health, productivity, mood and mental clarity all improving as well.

Click Here to Try The Health Wizard System for Yourself!

*Remember, our interpretations and suggestions serve as general guidelines; if you have any specific concerns about your health or your test results on AWS, contact your doctor.


Developed by Xpromt